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Donating a kidney is one of the greatest gifts you can give. But there are also many other ways to Make Your Mark with us.

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There are many other ways that people can support the Make Your Mark cause and help to raise awareness of how life-changing living kidney donation can be.
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You can also help by raising awareness of kidney disease and the importance of kidney donations. This can be as simple as following us on social media and liking or sharing our posts.

Our channels are packed with useful information and support options for those interested in kidney donation, meaning you may end up helping a friend or loved one in need just by sharing our content.


Consider donating a kidney

The generous act of donating a kidney can change (or even save) someone’s life. Discover more about why and how to become living kidney donor today.

Explore this website to learn more about why and how to become a living kidney donor today.

Learn about living kidney donation

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