Donating a kidney is one of the greatest gifts you can give. But there are also many other ways to Make Your Mark with us.
There are many other ways that people can support the Make Your Mark cause and help to raise awareness of how life-changing living kidney donation can be.
A lot of people still aren’t even sure what the kidneys do, or why they’re so important to our overall health.
You can help by learning more about why we need more living kidney donors, and the importance of kidney health. This information can help you to have valuable conversations with others about the kidneys and how important they are for our health.
Visit some of the links on our homepage about the kidneys and living kidney donation to learn more.
You can also help by raising awareness of kidney disease and the importance of kidney donations. This can be as simple as following us on social media and liking or sharing our posts.
Our channels are packed with useful information and support options for those interested in kidney donation, meaning you may end up helping a friend or loved one in need just by sharing our content.
Next time you’re speaking with friends and family, let them know about this website and what you’ve learnt about living kidney donation. Many people aren’t aware that you can donate your kidneys to a stranger and may be interested in learning more or improving their own kidney health.
Raising awareness of the issue will help to encourage more conversation and give opportunities for others to engage and join in. By sharing this website with your friends and loved ones, you might just end up saving a life.
The generous act of donating a kidney can change (or even save) someone’s life. Discover more about why and how to become living kidney donor today.
Explore this website to learn more about why and how to become a living kidney donor today.
Whether you’ve already decided to donate a kidney, or you are interested in finding out more about the process and what it involves, we’re here to answer any questions you might have.