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Image of a healthcare professional checking someone's blood pressure

Support after your donation

You will be invited back for annual check-ups soon after your surgery and then once a year after that. These may be at your transplant unit at first, but then will likely be with your GP. Other than these annual checks, the same policies and procedures apply to you as they would apply to any other NHS patient – you will not receive any preferential treatment because of donating a kidney. However, in the extremely unlikely event that you yourself need a kidney transplant in the future, you will be offered additional priority on the waiting list within certain agreed criteria.

Psychological Support

Donating a kidney can be an emotional process and you may need some additional support. Some transplant units in the UK have access to psychological support, otherwise you can speak to your GP or local mental health services. If you feel you require extra support following your donation, speak with your local team about services available in your area.

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