This week marks Organ Donation Week 2024, from Monday 23 September to Sunday 29 September. This week is an opportunity to raise awareness of living kidney donation, including both the incredible stories of past donors and recipients as well as the support and resources available to people considering donation.
To mark the occasion, we will be sharing a number of inspiring stories from previous living kidney donors and recipients across our social media channels all week. We’ll also be sharing helpful information about the donation journey for potential future donors. Please do follow us @DonateaKidneyUK on all social media channels and join in the conversation!
You can keep an eye out for the Make Your Mark campaign and Robert Dangoor Partnership in the press, as we’ll be sharing the experiences of some of our living kidney donors and supporters with the media throughout Organ Donation Week.
We’re also supporting our friends at NHS Blood and Transplant, who are turning the skies pink for Organ Donation Week. They are asking local landmarks and buildings across the country to turn pink to make their mark for the occasion. Pink is the colour of the organ donation card, helping to raise awareness of the life-changing gift of organ donation.
If you want to get involved and help to raise awareness this Organ Donation Week, please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or X (formerly Twitter) and join in the conversation using the hashtag #OrganDonationWeek.
We’d also love to hear your experiences with living kidney donation. Your words and experiences can help others to understand what they can expect during their living kidney donation journey, and help others decide whether they would consider donating themselves. Visit our Share Your Story page for more information.
Whether you’ve already decided to donate a kidney, or you are interested in finding out more about the process and what it involves, we’re here to answer any questions you might have.